Start to use

Instruction on Manual

Start to use

Install the app

Connect to camera app

Add camera

Get real-time video, point-to-point usage. Configure camera WiFi information

Connect to router

Configure camera WiFi

Turn off camera AP, WiFi viewing

Indicator status:
Start: red light is always. On Hotspot mode: Blue light flashes slowly.
Networking status: blue light is always.

On Charging status: green light is always, on Fully charged: green light is off.

On/Off: (press the button once to turn on the camera, press and old for 5 seconds to turn off)
Mode: reset button (long press for 5 seconds, the release indicanor goes out to reset)

The camera only supports 2,4 G Wifi frequency, not 5 G WiFi frequency.
If you have forgotten your password or don`t know what status, please reset the camera to the factory state.
If you need to change the router or switch back to the WiFi
hotspot mode, use the MODE button to reset the camera.

Mobile phone App installation
1. Download and install HDFifiCamPro from Apple Store for IOS, and search on Google Play for Android. For easy installation, please scan the below QR code to download and install HDWiFiCamPro. If your device fails to connect to Google Play, please scan the below ARK QR code for download and installation.
Note: it is recommended to use the QR code scanning software that comes with your browser or a third party to scan and dwnload App. Direct download and installation of App files is not supported by WeChat scan.

HD wificam Pro

IOS APP Store, Google Play
Android APK

2. AP hotspots connected to the camera
Tap on the ON/OFF key to power on, the red light is always on after the turn-on, wait 5 seconds blue light flashing AP hotspot on Turn on your phone`s WiFi settings and find the AP hotspot DGK-XXX-XXX that starts witch DGK Or HTM Or DBG, the same as the back of the camera. Click Connect to this WiFi hotspot to show that connection is successful before proceeding to the next step.

< Wlan
Saved (no Internet access)

Open the APP click «+» on the «plus» to add a new camera. Click Add online camera to go to tne camera`s add page.

+ Add online camera

3. There are two wayts to quickly enter the camera UID: a. Scan the QR code on the camera; b. Search the camera through the local network.

Scan QR code

4. Fill in the camera name and the P2P password. The default P2P password is ___. Confirm and click Ok. Camerais added succesfully. It is uecommegded to modify the P2P access password after setting up the camera.      …..

5. After the camera is showed online, then click the camera you just added to watch the real-time video. You can control thr device in the video interface.

6. Icons and buttons for video pages

This icon is a fuction of other products and is useless in this product.

Users can hear the camera sound and have two-way voice intercom (need to purchase camera for support).

Take snapshots and record video files

Flip images vertically and horizontally

Camera light switch and night vision light switch

Adjust brightness and contrast, tune intercom sound

Watch videos in the SD card

1. Other features of the page

Camera. Watch the current real-time video

Photo. View screenshots taken by the camera

Video. View video files for your mobille device

Event. View camera alarm event record

Camera setting

1. Click the gear button at the back to open the advanced configuration page of the camera.    …..

2. Modify the WiFi connection. Select WiFi Settings and the camera will show the available WiFi hotspots. Select your Wi-Fi network name (SSID), enter the WiFi password and press the finish key to connect.
Note: After saving, if the camera is connected to WiFi, the camera will disconnect the current connection to try a new WIFi network, which will cause the camera In the App to by temporarily offline for about 1 minute.

WiFi >

3. SD card video recording setting: Set the mode and the screen size of SD card video recording.

Record >

Quickly set the camera to connect to the WiFi network

a. App choose to add camera «+»

b. Select Configure camera to connect to WiFi network


4. Click the WiFi configuration, and then verify that the displayed WiFi network name is the same as the UID number of the device. Then return to APP.


5. After returning to the APP, the WiFi settings will pop up automatically. Click Manage WiFi Network to start searching for WiFi  automatically. After searching for WiFi, click and then enter the password. Thtn click Finish. The WiFi setting is successful. Wait, for the device to restart. Please, wait for the camera to automatically connect to the network after restarting. After the network is successfully connected, the display device can by used remotely online.

Note: if the App always fails, try to check the following:

a. Camera indicator light does gjn flash slowly and AP is not turned on before you start configuring WiFi;

b. If the phone fails to connect to camera AP, you need to configure the phone to connect to the AP hotspot of the camera.

c. Support ordinary routers. But public routers requiring login page authenticftion are not supported.

d. Make sure there are no errors in network name, network password and UID when configuring.

e. WIfi names and passwords in Chinese are not supported at this moment.

f. 5 G WiFi signal is not supported.

g. Check whether the WiFi indicator light is always on, if yes, it means that the camera networking successful, please add an online camera directly, APP may not detect a successful camera configuration due to network shielding.

h. It WiFi is WEP encrypttion mode, change to WPA mode.

Ps: Текст написан китайскими товарищами на английском языке для русских друзей, интересующихся этим направлением.

Для своих и по-русски, дорогие мои:

Загрузите рекомендуемое вам приложение, подключите камеру к сети через роутер и зафиксируйте её данные (ID, пароль) в приложении.

Плюсиком добавьте онлайн камеру и укажите SSlD своей сети и пароль. Зелёный свет слова onlin подскажет вам, что подключение прошло успешно.

Можно приступить к настройкам камеры и перезагрузке.

Производители часто пишут инструкцию общую и потребитель не всегда может разобраться — что к чему, а время, оно дорого.

Пользуйтесь моими подсказками и, разумеется, китайских производителей, они расширенные — на все случаи.

Китайским друзьям  моё личное почтение и благодарность.